Friday, July 08, 2016

Dallas Shootings and the Unspoken Parallel

I am heartbroken at the news

The actual

People, the divisive groups and “causes” are the problem. They are the root. They are the real issue. I agree, Black Lives Matter – as well as White Lives, Asian Lives, Indian Lives, Native American Lives… basically ALL LIVES MATTER!

When the gunman opened fire on the police officers in Dallas Yesterday, he was perpetrating the same ignorant discrimination that the protesters were rallying against.

The root of the BLM shit is the excessive force used on black people by police officers. This excessive force includes the death of some black people. The movement – cult? – says that the black people that are innocent are being targeted by police because they are black. And now this shit-for-brains fuckwit goes out and targets police officers because they are police officers.

No regard for innocence or guilt. No care for the people they are mowing down, or the families and friends of those they maliciously and heartlessly killed in cold blood. The gunman or gunmen, involved were just as biased and discriminatory as they very entity they were screaming about.

The killing has to stop.
The stupidity has to stop.

Why the fuck are people allowing themselves to be led by others to acts of stupidity?

I happen to know that the protest was not ever planned to be peaceful. My family was warned to stay away from downtown because there was going to be “bloodshed”. So before you bleeding heart bandwagon jumping sheep start saying that it was a peaceful protest, you are wrong. Or ill-informed. Or simply refusing to hear anything that does not support your narrow and prejudiced view.

If that is true, then you, you moronic bigoted asshat, ARE the problem.

Monday, June 27, 2016

We've Been Kippered!

I’m not really sure why people are vilifying companies like this. They are providing a service that helps in many ways, not the least of which is the easing of the over-population in our state prisons. That is something that should be commended, right?

I will be using the term “private prisons” and not using the term “for-profit prisons” and I’ll tell you why: The average person has it in their minds that anything “for profit” is evil.

Why? I have no fucking idea!

Um… everybody understands that we live in a capitalist society, where money is the goal for business.

According to Wikipedia:

“Capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit”

Did you catch those last two words up there??

Technically, it's a mixed economy, with some industries being free markets, and others being controlled by government (a regulated market). But this is true for almost every country. The U.S. is a country with the least government intervention in the developed world, so it is as capitalist as one can get.

According to Wikipedia:

“A free market is a system in which the prices for goods and services are determined by the open market and consumers, in which the laws and forces of supply and demand are free from any intervention by a government, price-setting monopoly, or other authority. It is a result of a need being, then the need being met. A free market contrasts with a regulated market, in which government intervenes in supply and demand through non-market methods such as laws creating barriers to market entry or price fixing. In a free-market economy, prices for goods and services are set freely by the forces of supply and demand and are allowed to reach their point of equilibrium without intervention by government policy, and it typically entails support for highly competitive markets and private ownership of productive enterprises.”

What all of this means is that a need was identified and industrious people stepped in to fill the gap. This is not new. This has been going on for all time. in 1868, convict leases were available where private parties could "rent" convicted people to supplement the workforce. The government would used convicts to perform tasks as well. Slavery may have been abolished, making it illegal to own people, but you could still rent them! 
The Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) was founded in 1984. This is not a new company.

We have all seen too many movies where the evil corporation uses the prisoners for illegal activities or brutalizes them for some demented or sadistic purpose, like Death Race (the 2008 film). Come on, you morons – that was a movie! There are regulations in place to keep things in better shape than they can offer at a lot of the state run prisons.

But I am not here to rant about state prisons vs. private prisons. I'm here to discuss the collective misdirection being perpetrated on us, the U.S. citizen. This picture is simply the latest (and best) tool to use to exemplify it. So I do so as follows:

Business (big or small) is not bad. It is not evil. It is the very thing that allows us to have opportunities for advancement within our society. Capitalism and the free market is what keeps us from being a totally casted culture, doomed to stay within a certain social class.

Then some twat-waffle posts shit like this to try and inspire outrage at the company because they (the company) actually take a stance to keep their business growing. It is a sound fiscal policy to donate to organizations that will help your business prosper.
The previously mentioned twat waffle has to look at it and try and proclaim it as an evil or a moral outrage.

The point of all of my bullshit today is to try and get you, my lone reader, to see this for what it is – a red herring.

According to Wikipedia:

“A red herring is something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important issue.”

Interesting side note on the origin of the term, herring is a fish often smoked and salted in a process called kippering. This process turns the herring a reddish-brown color, and they are referred to as a kipper, or red herring. This process predates refrigeration and, due to that convenience not yet being available, the red herring was extremely pungent, to say the least. Consequently, they were used to create a false trail while training hunting dogs. Put down to intentionally try and misdirect them.

Something is happening over there somewhere while small minds with grand ideals spend time and effort looking for something to be outraged about.

Today it is the fact that private prisons are being run like a business. No shit, fuckface!

Yesterday it was where transgender people pee.

Tomorrow, it will be something equally inane.

Be vigilant and look for the actions of the other hand.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Misinformation - We Are Being Lied To **NEW UPDATE ADDED**

Re-victimizing??! Are you fucking kidding me??

Ok, let me start at the beginning. I was shown this story by a coworker.

Here is what he, the Orlando shooter, said:

“I pledge my alliance to (ISIS leader) abu bakr al Baghdadi..may Allah accept me.”
“You kill innocent women and children by doing us taste the Islamic state vengeance.”

Yet the Department of Justice wants to edit the transcripts of these calls between the shooter and “authorities” to remove these references to the Islamic state.

Why? I bet you are asking that!

They do not want the “victims to get upset…” and they do not want to give “ISIS any new material for their propaganda.”

My favorite quote in all of this was:

"This is not just a simple wording issue," Ric Grenell, a Fox News contributor and former aide to UN Ambassador John Bolton told Fox and Friends Monday morning. "The fact that Loretta Lynch is somehow redacting the specific enemy that is being called out here is a PR move."

And that hits the nail on the mother fucking head! Remove all references to ISIS and the issue will slowly turn into a gun control issue.

People, sweet Lord, wake up and fight this system that removes details and manipulates information it feeds to the public. When the government controls the media, they control the population. They can spin the details in any direction they want to get the public to support any action they want to take. A great example is the Iraqi War. We were fed (as a public) false information that there were WMDs that were a real threat to the US. We were outright lied to! But we believed them and went to war and put our military though hell (174,000 civilian and combatant deaths from 03/03-03/13, according to Iraq Body Count project). Then we find out that “our information was wrong”.

At this rate, we deserve to fall apart as a nation. The Washington corruption is costing us lives, filling our head with PC bullshit that redirects the fault to whatever the fuck they want it to be, and feeding us dis-information.

Your future is bleak, America. It will remain so until the people stand up and demand change. We have been walking this path long before Obama became President. I am not pointing fingers at any political party, but placing the blame squarely where it rightly belongs…

On the shoulders of each American citizen (myself included) that has not taken SOME KIND of action against this. It is not too late, but that time is quickly coming! Get your head out of the sand, and out of your ass, and make the change needed to correct our national course.

The Department of Justice changed its mind and is releasing the UNALTERED transcripts.
Here is the full story at this time.